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Breadcrumbs Module 0.1
updated by rck, 2008-04-30

One thing missing in phpWebSite are site-wide breadcrumbs. Usability experts agree: Bread crumbs aid getting along with a web site. Think for example about the Control Panel, where you are lost as soon as you click onto an icon.

How do you get back except pressing the back button? That depends on the idea the module author had when coding the module. Now, there's an alternative
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About breadcrumbs

There are a lot of articles about breadcrumbs on the Internet. Especially usability experts like to talk about them, they help orienting on a site. Look for example on Keith Instones ideas on Location, Path and Attribute Breadcrumbs. Dated back to 2002, you can read about location, path and attribute breadcrumbs.

Referring to the documents, the breadcrumbs module provides Location Breadcrumbs. That means: Regardless, how a user gets on a certain page, the page has always the same breadcrumb.

About the module

The module is a stand-alone, yet largely unfinished module. Depending on the current module, a bread crumb is rendered. Sometimes more sophisticated, sometimes less sophisticated. But always with at least a link to the home page.

In case you have suggestions about enhancing the module, please do not hesitate writing your ideas down as comments and/or in my forums.

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About breadcrumbs
Polls and Further Reading

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  • Screen shot? Example?

    Posted on 2006-03-21 01:30:54 By Anonymous

    Would love to see an example screen shot or a demo site with it.

    [Reply ]

  • ditto

    Posted on 2006-03-27 01:01:37 By Anonymous

    ditto - can we please see a working version?

    [Reply ]

    • Re: ditto

      Posted on 2006-03-27 16:55:53 By rck[110]

      Hi folks, I'm running the BreadCrumb module at my office. But sorry, it's a closed shop thing. For an idea about Bread Crumbs as implemented by me, consider two examples:

      Home > Control Panel, "Home" would be a link to the homepage. And "Control Panel" not a link but the current page.

      Home > Control Panel > Announcements, "Home" AND "Control Panel" would be links. Home to the homepage, Control Panel to the homepage. And "Announcements" would be the current page: A list of all current Announcements, waiting to be edited by you.

      Does this help?

      [Reply ]

  • inline polls

    Posted on 2006-04-19 05:05:37 By youcantryreachingme[7]

    Actually, I'm wondering how you embedded the polls. Is that an Article Manager feature? (I'm using pagemaster) or one of your own hacks?


    [Reply ]

    • Re: inline polls

      Posted on 2006-04-19 21:45:14 By rck[110]

      Not exactly a built-in, but an Article Manager feature :-) These inline polls are done with an extended version of my Swallow hack. You can find the corresponding thread about Embedded Polling with Article Manager here, please feel free to join the discussion!

      [Reply ]

  • Breadcrumb---shows pagemaster

    Posted on 2006-06-14 22:05:38 By Anonymous

    Hi just installed the Breadcrumbs module. I'm not sure what I need to do further to get it to work the way I think it should.

    The final bread crumb just displays HOME > Pagemaster. I thought it would display the page title. For example I have submenu under ABOUT US that shows a list of names and there is a page for each name. The breadcrumbs only shows HOME > Pagemaster . If I'm on Jim's bio page, it seems like it should show HOME > ABOUT US > JIM

    Is there something I'm missing?

    Thank you,


    [Reply ]

    • Re: Breadcrumb---shows pagemaster

      Posted on 2006-06-19 15:49:14 By rck[110]

      Hi Kelly, Breadcrumbs is not as intelligent. It just shows the current module, how should it know how you are using your menu? If you'd like to see that behavior changed, please start a new thread in my forums, describing exactly how it should work and why this would be useful for most people.

      I'll see what I can do then.

      [Reply ]

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