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Insanely Dead: My iMac is back
updated by rck, 2004-10-12

I bought an iMac back in 1998. Because it was cool. Connect just two cables and you're in the Internet. Yeah, right. It of course didn't work out like that.

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The mysterious port

Theres one other thing I was puzzled about my iMac. There seems to be a hidden port on the right side of it. Some expansion port, maybe? For inserting a (surely bloody expensive) airport module? Now that would be really useful, wouldn't it?

So I had a look today and surprise: There's sure an awful lot behind it. An awful lot of air. Great stuff. No connector, no screw-holes, nothing. Just plain air.

Pressing the reset button

In case your iMac won't power up, press this button. Great. They even knew, the iMac wouldn't power up one day. Should be easy money for the technicans.

Customer: "My iMac doesn't work anymore, it wouldn't power up".

Clark: "Uh, though one."

Customer: "Please, can you do anything about it?".

Clark: "Yeah, but it will cost ya.".

Customer (desperate): "I'll give you anything. Anything you want".

Clark: "Ok, come back in a week"

(Meanwhile, somewhere far away in Cupertino: "Hehe, that power problem was a stroke of genius")

Too bad pressing the reset button didn't work for me. And neither removing the battery for 10 minutes.

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  • Bad experience

    Posted on 2004-09-30 04:03:49 By Anonymous

    It's a pity you've had a bad experience with your iMac but mostly it just comes from lack of knowledge and some bad advice from your retailer although I don't know about the power-up problems.

    The RAM is dirt cheap as it's standard SODIMM or DIMM depending on the slot. It can be expanded to 192MB RAM which is barely passable for OSX and some people have had 384MB running ok. The video ram can be expanded to 6MB which will get you millions of colours at 1024x768.

    The empty port you mention is probably the mezzanine slot, not airport if you've a RevA iMac. There were only a few expansion cards for it as Apple killed the slot in the RevC iMac. IIRC there was a Voodoo2 card and a SCSI card.

    Have a look at for more info. Should be a bunch of stuff on there.

    [Reply ]

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