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updated by
rck, 2006-12-23

Some site owners would like to have a list of members. Like they do in for example phpBB or other community oriented CMSes. Now you can have such a member list, including member statistics, in phpWebSite too.
Note: Please note, that this is a restricted download. This module is only available for Kiesler.at members who have voted for the phpWebSite awards 2006. Please also note, that this poll only runs until start of 2007!
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updated by
rck, 2007-01-02

The voting will be only for the category "non-commercial phpWebSite". All the four participants submitted to this category so this should be fair. Please vote for the site which you like the most. If you want, you can of course also comment your decision.
This poll will be running until start of 2007, only registered users can poll.
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updated by
rck, 2007-01-02

What can be more thrilling than a nice and fair competition? A competition of skilled webmasters and webmistresses, gifted and proven masters of phpWebSite? Well, I could think of a couple of things. Anyway, here's the plan.
There are three categories: Commercial, Non-Commercial and Creative. Commercial and Non-Commercial sites should be an obvious distinction. But what about the creative ones? This category is for "most creative phpWebSite use" and requires the participating sites to have either a self-made theme or at least one self-made module.
Update: We have a winner! The
Femme Fatales got the most votes and thus won the phpWebSite awards 2006. Congratulations!
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updated by
rck, 2006-11-02

In an attempt to minimize clutter of the phpWebSite themes landscape, Picturesworld Studios merged their themes to the Kiesler phpWebSite Theme Preview Site. This makes life easier for people wanting to see all of the free available phpWebSites in just one place.
As usual, every theme on the preview site can be previewed with a single mouse click. Every theme is available to be commented as well.
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updated by
rck, 2006-09-09

Two similar functionalities put in two distinct modules instead of one big hack. The Link Manager module of phpWebSite neither can show a box with the latest links in it, nor can it show a box with random links in it.
These modules have been in use on kiesler.at for a long time. As there was a request for the ability to show recent links like on my site, I'm releasing them now
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updated by
rck, 2006-07-23

Thanks to everyone submitting ideas for the missing hack contest. All in all, I was impressed by the feedback this contest had this far. Now, it is time to vote.
16 requests made it in the next round, please vote for your favorite missing hack in this article.
And the winner is... It's almost a photo-finish. "Different rights to different documents" will be realized, as "Photoalbum bulk-import" is in CVS already anyways.
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updated by
rck, 2006-05-25

The third Happy Server Friends community event this far led us into the Rathausstraße 6 in Vienna / Austria. This is the location of the so called Metalab. A place where you can hang around, play with technology, have parties and do all other kind of stuff.
The Metalab was pretty full, we even catched a couple of celebrities. Of course, I had my camera with me -- I don't go anywhere without it.
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updated by
rck, 2006-08-21
phpWebSite can do a lot of things. Maintain events, show announcements, provide forums... But is it able to do everything you want in the way you'd like it to?
I'd like to call for a little contest. The winning entry will be realized and published on my homepage. Please read on for the plan.
Edit: It's done. The View Restriction for Documents hack is available for you to deploy.
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updated by
rck, 2006-05-07

Most Blogs have them. Comment system that support homepage links. Making this possible in phpWebSite is not that much effort. Just add a template field, a new database field, a bit of php code and there you go.
To make life easier for you, I've lined out the steps required to add a homepage link to your phpWebSite. You can also see this comments enhancement in action on my homepage.
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updated by
rck, 2006-05-07

In the business-world, they are loved and hated at the same time. Reports with a hundred pages each, in very short intervals. They can overwhelm you. But with the right granularity, you can get insights you won't be able to obtain in a different way.
I've implemented automated reports for kiesler.at. In the first instance, there will be three reports sent as one new thread in the forum. Every moth, this report will be generated automatically by the user "system".
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updated by
rck, 2006-05-02
Googlebot the well-known crawler. A while ago, a new beta program of Google started. Google Sitemaps. There, Webmasters can upload sitemaps of their sites. Thus, pages not even linked properly can be made accessible to Googlebot easier.
Uploading happens with a well-defined XML format, which is specified on the Google Sitemaps homepage. I made a little php program to generate such sitemaps automatically out of the installation of a phpWebSite. You can even specify multiple phpWebSites on the same server and let the program generate a site map for each.
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updated by
rck, 2008-04-29
So you've stumbled across them. Open Source CMS systems. And are puzzled. What exactly can they do, how can they help me? Why shouldn't I simply go to a consultant, pay a bit of money and let him/her decide, what to use?
Well, you could of course do that. Or you could inform yourself prior to buying service or doing a site by yourself. I'd like to help you here by providing a collection of some of my favourite phpWebSite installations. You can see there, how they are used, how they look like, how they work.
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